Friday, June 30, 2006

Pre Physics Test Dilema: A story of bidding for an hour of company

All you need to not remember what u have read before the test...

Mainly about how a guy and gal was fighting for me to sit next to them. Not perasaan or anything but just blogging today so i can remember the funniest pre physics test atmosphere i have gone through.

Not the exact story but roughly what happened.

All started with victor,

Victor(clubber going on betting person going on clean) : Hey Vikky sit next to me. Here here..

Me: Erm, ok... where? next to you? lol...

Victor: yeah...

Me: (Sat down on the table next to the one he was pointing) here la.

Victor sat next to me and asked teddy to sit on his righthand side.

Ganesh(roomie/bassist/duno what else): Here la Vikky...

Mawar: Sini sini ( pointing underneath the desk)

Me: Huh... (closing my ears d)

All of a sudden,

Ting ting: here la sit next to me and petrina( i carry her bag lol)

Victor: Woi, u go i smack ur ass..

Me: :(

Victor Vs Ting Ting (ding!ding! round:1)

Victor: U go there Andy(her bf) will get angry...

Me: Who? (trying to not help)

Mugilan(firestarter): U d prefer victor rather than ting ting?

Me: ... (speechless)

More gay comments from mugi... not sure what.

12 years friends already and not wondering why lol...

Ganesh: Hey sit here la vikky!!

Mawar writes something on a piece of paper and passes it to ganesh.

Banner madness

Mawar and Ganesh: Come here la vikky ( holding their paper made banner with "Viky we love you! on it)

Houston we have a problem

Intermission : (hehhehe for fun)

Ganesh: i offer you my arse...

Me: walao...

Ting ting: ya la u wan arsehole huh?!!

Me: O_O (woah emoticon)

Ganesh: i ll be your pet monkey...

Me: already.. tat... (or something like that, cant really remember what i said)

Victor: Why?! U wanna eat his bananas?!

Victor and Ting ting give each other the looks, i was getting pretty scared(actually just entertained)...

Me: I feel like i m kindergarden only with a lot of adult stuff.

Adrian( funny indonesia with his accent and sheepish smile) : You go there sit there la... u gay or wat.

Me: Victor i go sit there huh?

Victor: Like that la.. i tell ___ HUH?

Me: Ok sitting there... (puzzled with what that has just happened)

Victor merajuk lol...

The test starts

Sorry if i offended anyone today.

All along, I think i was sitting with the gal who was eating ice cream and watching me quietly.