bam, bam and BAM AGAIN!!!

Bam bam… the ball hits my face not once but twice. Some say maybe more … (summary of football today)… On the way back, while walking unevenly (more than usual) this red proton wira or I think it was stopped, okay! wOkay! Let us make it more accurate: A seemingly red proton wira under the orange street lights and my minds current state of disorientation. Three indian ladies (Two adults and one teenager) or maybe A guy , a lady and a teenager…*. I dunno la! How is it important anyway?
Now that I have established my state of dazedness, let’s move on the conversation I had with those pretty people…
* - Lady on passenger seat : Adik, boleh Tanya, kat mana one stroke 25?
Vik(me…): I’m not too sure where that is, do you have a house number instead?
LOPS: Yes, we are looking for house no. 224?
Vik(still me): monologue@ I have been saying here for a while I can’t possible get it wrong@ Oh… “1/17” is there so I guess it should be down there…
LOPS: Okay, thanks.
So I continued walking(up the road la). Just before turning into the junction to my house, I noticed something familiar, yes very familiar to my ears… 224… hmmm 224!!! Oops, shit big mistake and since when 1/17 was there? I’m living on 1/17! Moreover, I used to think what Anand and Thambi did those poor people when we were in high school were bad. The irony, I tell you… staying there for 18 years and not knowing where 1/25 was. It was the route I took every time I played football, basketball, walked to Mr.Ng’s Tuition, Karate class, Mr.Arjunan’s Tuition, Pra’s house, or when I go for jogs.
I put my boots down, got scolding from my father about how I should wash my own clothes and equipments (boots) when I used them for sports instead of my mum. I didn’t asked anyone too… period! Took my phone and my wallet, walked to the shop to get soya bean. After that, I started searching for them on foot to go rectify whatever problem I had just caused.
It was so dark a merz looked like a proton… nah who am I kidding, even in absolute darkness that wouldn’t happen. Back to the point, I couldn’t tell which was what car.
Walked in really nice square-looking circles…After, getting shoo-ed away by a dog whom under normal circumstance was friendly (the black circle in the map), almost getting hit by a car and a whole minute of convincing myself to give up the search, I went backed home. I wish that they would be there so I could apologize but nah no where to be seen. So what? Go back home!…legs tired already, so “malufying”! Walk a little also like that.
I would like to apologize to the people whom I “cheated” on today(haha, not like they read my blog)
And I would like to state the obvious stop assuming!!!
Also I drew some conclusion based on my ambition list that I wrote when I was a little kid.
(I mean today) No one can tell anyway, my writing never changed much.
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