Monday, November 14, 2005

Dreaming In Yellow

Nous vivons dans les rĂªves-"we live in dreams"

Didn't see the point of a title...

My phlegms still there don't know how much longer i have to have it. Today went something like this. First achievement of the day, i found out that the jacket i was wearing every morning has two extra pockets. Got into the 638am train where i sat in front of this blindman, whom i have seen a number of times in central. He was smilling, i was wondering whether it was me or what. Really respect the guys strength to carry on. In contrast to our usual giving up, he was very much unlike "us".

I also had flashes of my dream which i could remember and was really scary and bothering. I was in a house, which i think is mine. It was like haunted by ghosts but not sure how many. I think there were three. They kept trying to scare me away , hurting me and chasing me around but i didnt budge , i just (now i think there is a suitable title) fought and took the torment. Then there was a sudden switch of settings. I was in a bigger building with many people in it. The whole building didnt have electricity and everyone had the same spooked facial expression as though something bad was going to happen. A natural disaster; an earthquake? a tornado? i'm not too sure myself.

In a blink with a sudden stop , everything went berserk the building almost instantly was collapsing with metal pieces sticking out. I was on the half which wasnt. I saw this woman nearby me, her clothing got stuck to a nail(not sure) on the other half and she got drag a long with it. I tried to save her... i tried but couldnt i was stunned when i thought too myself she's gonna die. Then there's this guy who saved her. I was just staring, in disbelief. Slowly everything faded away... And i felt a morning headache and body ache.

Shit, i woke up pretty late but the day turned out ok. It turned out that i didnt have to pass up my engineering homework and my english teacher was reasonably nice. Not to miss out the company i had during the class, "digital company". IT WAS A YELLOW DAY... not on the surface but it's colors.

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