Sunday, November 13, 2005

just my kinda day

An Epitome of Today

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Thick, sticky, stringy
i m a bag of phlegm
green everywhere
i'm broken
outside and the insides
suffocation taunting me, looking but not killing
i broke a lot of other things
i managed to mend some
but not enough
i hurt many
but please very little
work witheld by
in hope i'm lost

  1. have got phlegm stuck in my airways- i hope the sewers don't die
  2. tried to finish my homework, sat three hours straight but could i was doing mistakes everywhere
  3. i think i broke something in my back, i'm wheezing in pain.
  4. i was really rude throughtout the day, i m sorry. Appa, amma, and everyone else.

  5. Image hosted by

  6. i cant breathe properly.
  7. i'm losing hope
  8. worst of all, all my sorry ammo has been used up for the day or maybe even two days.

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i dunno what to do but i know tomorrow will be a better day, i pray. I pray but i'm losing faith. i need help.

S***y(S***y: shh... u gonna get hit dude!)