Just Another Mistake

Here is a song for all the mistakes i have done lately, i dunno how to upload files mp3 files on blogs yet, so this will have to do... sigh, more mistakes... (u see not my fault) >>> >>> >>>

i do it all the time
but i don't know why
I love pranks
I love double dares
havoc, trouble,
thats what i'm
It was just another mistake
I wish i didn't do that
I wonder if it was all a dream
No one can turn back time
It was just another mistake
You wish i wouldn't be there
but i'm sorry...
i wasn't born perfect
i'm sorry for who i am
I'm fixing it all alone
In a quiet cellar in my own house
I'm trying to mend us up
I'm changing myself and hoping for the best
cause i'm mistake
I only cause mishap around me
It was just another mistake
I wish i didn't do that
I wonder if it was all a dream
No one can turn back time
It was just another mistake
You wish i wouldn't be there
but i'm sorry...
i wasn't born perfect
i'm sorry for who i am
Oh no i did it again
I lost my cool and burnt everything away
It's too late now
Salvation isn't anywhere near here
Only me and my mistakes
It was just another mistake
I didn't wanna hurt you
I wonder if it was all a dream
I just wanted to help
It was just another mistake
I don't know how to fix it
but i'm sorry...
i wasn't born perfect
i'm sorry, i made a mistake
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