Saturday, December 23, 2006

Phrases of Memories

A file that keeps a record of my msn personal messages during Summer 2006, just a reminder to myself... about some moments in my life...

The heart of every kid: Insouciance; White a shade of black

总空 - enamoredly perceived : The most out of your least

Smelly poo

Where did all the good food go?

The smiley shop: Use less sad ones get more happy ones.Works the other way too

All the fine prints in my life that i have missed out :S

The pink cement truck

the best days of my life

smells like sleep anyways

lipstick anyone?

What alphabet are you?

yes now i know :$

A piece of heaven on earth

Cut myself while playing with stupidity, why didnt i get hit by a truck or a kid riding a bicyle instead.

The "I" word

Intern Vikky!!!:P, silly is he...

the best days of my life

was napping with stolen candy underneath my armpits

"Don't speak"

Sometimes memories are all you have left of the past; live in 'em? , forget 'em? embrace 'em?
It's what that moulds us into what we are now...

*Hit Delete* - Let it be