Ermm..comebacks vs Pain drain??!

So, have you ever wondered how to make a come back in something, let me know k? Why? Erm... you ll find out.
After chicken pox, i get out of the house to get some exercise for the first time(football); Everything was going fine up till, 15 mins into the game... some jackass(nah kidding) kicked the ball on to the road.. so yeah, since i volunteered to keep today, i decided to pick it up.
There was a drain... 4 -5 feet below the field level.. (aka field on high ground) i jumped and somehow miss placed my right leg.. >_<" into the drain.. shit... Now you know why, people say its not good to have one foot in and the other out :). TADA... Now..a pretty dark red tattoo... all over my right leg.
Wonder what i ll do in college...hmm..
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