Progressing in a direction... we all are

The skeptical become more skeptical;losing faith, the believers believe more strongly; growing more certain. Whats true and what is not? i don't know. Albeit being almost certain about reasons behind all the "petty" thoughts in the earlier stages of life. I know face some sort of blues. Maybe it's hormonal... or maybe its something more serious. I m beginning to think or see (which one i m not sure) how things that were fed to my mind in the earlier stages of my life are flawed.i.e. Human in many ways...
One of them; Religion. I do still strongly believe in a divine power that created all. For so many things to happen all at once... just by a mere coincidence seems to be hard to believe and disturbing.If it was, what before the big bang?. I choose to believe based on my instincts that God is ever existing. Religion on the other hand, has shown its many flaws. Religion in the hands of humanity at least.. has shown its multi-sideness. Inequality, hypocritical ideas and oppression are some of the clear ones. I think i need not present examples as my purpose is not to condemn any religion or religion but just to share my thoughts. I think over the years religion has been changed, tailored to biasly profit some sides over the years in history.I'm not saying it was never true or anything. Over the years, Religion has given life some meaning... The question: Is the reason all made to make life more meaningful and less depressing? I m sorry if i offended anyone but please keep in mind this is just a thought. I think this is the reason i have become less attached to previous reasons, principles and feelings.
Reviewed =) sorry about the grammartical errors(typos, etc)